Do u think I should ask for a refund from my school/ college .😁😁

I feel 70 % of the things I've learnt so far in life have never been and shall never be utilized by me.
I did spend a considerable amount of time learning Trigonometry and Logarithms...never to use once I gave my last Maths exam . I still remember Sine was perpendicular by hypotenuse,  Cos was  base by hypotenuse and Tan was perpendicular by base.BUT WHAT'S THE POINT? The Sets and Venn Diagram all utterly useless. They could never teach me the different PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS required to manage day to day life.
A firm determination and dedication had  helped me ,memorize Mark Antony's speech in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar , but who wants to hear it πŸ˜€even if I still remember word to word . While browsing through my brain,  it still has the portions of  English Literature where Chaucer , Keats / Yeats all had so much to say . The Canterbury Tales where Beowulf struggles through his journey never really inspired my own struggle of what would be the best way to manage life.

The history of India and the different civilizations of the world will never help me to cook better food or keep my home in a better fashion or give better creativity to my mind. Although I can still relate,  in India it started with Indus Valley Civilization, till the Aaryans invaded( it is now a controversy although).leading to Jainism -Buddhism later  Mauryan Empire and so on and so forth ., Whether it was the world ,after the two major wars ,seeked Disarmanent treaties and League of nations ,till Cold War between the nations finally brought in United Nation Organization.
The Indian freedom struggle is also of almost no interest to anyone ( including myself) anymore. 
Yes ,People say since freedom was served to us on a platter,it seems insignificant,  but the truth is for how long can we keep harping on it when in the present situation of cut throat competition it won't be much help.
The Sandhi - Samas which I kept cramming, for it, to somehow get into my brain and remain there , is now just occupying free space , not ready to move out .Same is the case with Sant Kabir ke dohe and Munshi Prem Chand's stories filled with sorrow and poverty . Why couldn't he write something happy ,always remained a perennial question in my mind. Whatever , then my job was not to judge his choice of genre but simply by heart the question /answers/ shabdaarth, and be done away with . 

But yes given the point that there was nothing better to do in my growing up years , it now seems to be a good pastime, rather than simply loitering around, school and books then were more respectable .
 Apart from that , I did learn something after all,  which shall always help not only me but all of us ,
no pun intended. 😊


  1. Bravo, you remember them. I have forgotten everything whatever I learned in school.

    1. Thanks Mix for the encouragement 😊😊

  2. Omg 😲 uh still remember those sine ...I only remember pandit badriprasad har har bole"🀣🀣 nd so your writing skills "har har bole". πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Thanks Tina for reading this and liking it too😊😊

  3. So well expressed Ranjana. But inam sure that your dedication towards your study is reflecting in your kids life
    Keep writing πŸ‘

    1. Thanks Sud...for your appreciation and feedback

  4. So well written Ranjana...I don't even remember or use so many things from my med school..forget about things in school..but yes they definitely help while teaching our kids...keep writing dear

  5. Very well expressing Ranjana. I think that's why we have the NEP coming up.😊Keep writing.


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