Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my 4 the post for D # Drizzle to Downpour
I was in the first year of college. We were given a preparatory leave for our midterm exams. It was Monsoon time.
That day I had a project to submit so had to go to college. Normally my whole group of friends would board the bus together, but today I had no company. The sky seemed clear. I felt if I could get the bus at 8, reach college around 9, and submit the assignment, I could be back by 10 o clock. That way I could save the rest of the day for studying.
I just took my wallet, put my project done so prudently in my bag and off I went.
I boarded the almost empty bus and took my favourite window seat. Whenever commuting to and fro, I have crossed the Howrah Bridge, I have always felt so relaxed. The cool breeze from the Hooghly river whispering in my ear always brought tranquillity and peace. The bus had great momentum. I felt I could reach even before 9.
The scheduled stops came and people boarded, I kept looking out of the window never noticing when the seat next to me got occupied. Although I did notice the sky as it started to don a darker cloak. Oh no, I had tossed the umbrella out of the bag, just before leaving thinking it occupied a lot of space. I hoped it didn't rain before I reached my college. It started drizzling. The sky continued to darken. The wind was gradually buckling up to become a storm. My mind was hitting the panic button. Inadvertently I crossed my fingers βοΈ, to which I heard a voice, "What is the anxiety for?". I turned sideways, the person sitting sideways seemed to be of my age. He questioned again with a friendly smile, you don't seem to like rains.
I answered my liking and dislikings are conditional, depending on the situation and circumstance. As of now, I am carrying an important assignment in my bag and want to submit it in perfect condition. This downpour can dampen my grades. He smiled again saying, just enjoy the moment, see the street is looking so beautiful. I was not interested at all. So looked away. I thought what a jerk, talking about the beauty of an empty road. To add to my troubles, the bus stopped. Now what π¦ I thought to myself. The conductor said, there was some issue with the engine, so all passengers were requested to unboard. I asked if I could remain till the rain got lighter. The conductor shrugged and went. Everyone exited except the person sitting next to me. Looking at me he said, that he was carrying an umbrella and we could use it to take another bus. I said I would only be obliged, for I had a choice. I followed him. Once out, we could hardly walk to the next bus stop. The rain was at its raging best. We managed to run, he with the umbrella, and I with the bag clutched to my chest, to protect it most importantly.
"Going by the anxious look on your face, it seems today is the end of the world, which it's definitely not", he said, sitting by me. "So just relax. There will be plenty of assignments to be submitted in future too."
Just for passing time I asked him, what did he do. He said he was in his final year at St Xavier's College, I exclaimed cool π too loudly as if mocking him. Taking out an Id card from his pocket, he put it in front of me. Anuraag Bhardwaj. Final year Science. Great for him. We spoke of random things, politics, the student's agitation, strikes etc. His favourite book was Ayn Rand's Fountainhead, and he had read the ones I liked too, To kill a mocking bird, Anna Karenina. Now I was enjoying the conversation. I felt in Fountainhead, that the protagonist seemed too big for his shoes, and I could relate with its antagonist Ellsworth Toohey more. The rain was almost forgotten and so was my project as we continued to discuss movies, music and every random thing. The rain had almost stopped. I got up to say thank you and that I was really obliged. Bidding him goodbye, I said I could manage on my own now. Already I was late by two hours approx. He said he could come along and take a bus from my college bus stop. I agreed as I found the idea of walking down alone a little boring.
Again the animated conversation started. It ranged from different things. He told how plants could be grown even without soil, using mineral nutrients in an aqueous solvent. Unintentionally but interesting, I was finding him.
I reached my college, said a final goodbye to him and went. I happily submitted my assignment to the appointed teacher and left.
When I came out of the gate, this new acquaintance of mine was there standing seemingly waiting for me. Now what? I went up to him and asked. He simply handed me a slip of paper, saying that it was his phone number. Since I had not even mentioned my name or anything so if ever I wanted to meet him again at least I should have his number. Saying this he said Bye π and left.
It felt a little weird. On my way back I opened the slip. He had written his phone number very neatly indeed. I kept thinking about his enthusiastic mannerisms. He seemed well-bred and well-read. I smiled looking out of the window.
Suddenly a few lines struck me. It was a poem by Robert Frost.
Its concluding lines have always been my favourite
The woods are beautifully dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.
Yes, I should not be distracted at this point in my life. It's all foolish and frivolous said my pragmatic self. I let the paper slip out of my hand through the open window of the bus.
I never saw him again.
LESSON LEARNT# I shouldn't have been so harsh on life. No point being so serious π
REPERCUSSIONS # I have always regretted losing the slip.
Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my 4 the post for D # Drizzle to Downpour
Omg. How could u just throw the slip away :( i never could have
ReplyDeleteU hav great story telling skills. Keep it up...also u reminded me one episode from my life...
An experience to remember. Well penned ππ»
ReplyDeleteYou are such a fool. I would have never done that, I would have called that guy. Kya love story hoti.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful narration! I could picture the rains, the bus ride.. the innocence of that interaction... I hope it makes you smile when you remember how wonderful the entire bus ride was...
ReplyDeletesome folks are meant to be in our lives and others, like this boy, leave footprints in our heart... Hold on to these precious memories! <3
hey...yeh kya tha...y am I not aware of this incident...
ReplyDeletebut reading this was fun..keep writing.
What!!!!!!! How can you end this story like this? Such a heartbreak this is, so not fair!!!! I was smiling all through out, that sucks! I wonder how life treated him later. Damn!
ReplyDeleteHere's my post for D:
D: Deception Point
Imagine you called up and he said " Madam would you like to buy a student credit card ?" ... :D ...