Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my post for P# POWER OF A SMALL PRAYER.

As far as I can remember my life, I have always been very religious,  have tried to be as honest as possible,  never deliberately caused hurt to anyone, basically trying to be a good human. 

Apart from few ups and downs,  for the latter I being totally responsible, life has been pretty smooth. After the following event,  my faith has multiplied all the more in the Supreme POWER.πŸ™

We had gone to a wedding in my husband's native place. It was a small town in Rajasthan, very beautiful and quiet. The wedding was a four-day affair. The food on all occasions was very rich with thick gravy all cooked in homemade butter. By the third day, I started feeling nauseated. Looking at the deep-fried delicacies made me crave a salad or a bowl of fruits. I finally went to the corner of the farmhouse where a temporary kitchen was set up in the open. The cooks were going on with their work in full swing. Their provisions were all almost utilised it seemed. I went to one of them and asked if I could get a bowl of salad adding that, just a few raw vegetables would be great. He said, he could only arrange a cabbage salad with some tomatoes presently. The day's supplies had not yet reached the venue. I just said whatever was available was good enough for me. In a few minutes, I was given a bowl of shredded cabbage and chopped tomatoes πŸ… with lemon juice and salt sprinkled on it. I was elated and went away happily to my room. 

I was satiated finally. 

We returned to Delhi and everything was back to normal. After a few months, I conceived. My pregnancy was perfectly normal apart from initial nausea. The first two trimesters went away easily. With the onset of my eighth month, I developed a mild headache. It was the last week of December, so I felt maybe it was my sinus, considering the cold season. I inhaled steam and drank hot beverages. The heaviness in my head persisted. By night it became a throbbing pain. My husband tried to ease it off by rubbing a painkilling ointment on my forehead. I felt a bit relaxed and went off to sleep. I don't recall anything after that. A few minutes of that night have never been there in my memory. 

When I regained my senses, my gynaecologist was standing right in front of me, my husband and inlaws on her side. It was the middle of the night. Everyone looked anxious. I asked getting up what was the matter. My gynaec stroked my sweaty( yes in December) head and said everything is fine. She went out with my husband and I guess left after that. I was told that, almost an hour ago,  I had trembled as if in a fit and fallen unconscious 😡. My husband tried to wake me up, but I didn't respond so the doctor was called. Thankfully we lived in the same apartment, she on the ground floor and ourselves on the third. I was told I would be taken to the hospital the next day to be monitored, the baby's heartbeat and my fit issue. It was not a good sign, of my losing consciousness, in which case the baby gets deprived of oxygen. It could be fatal for the unborn!!

At the hospital, a neurologist was consulted, who prescribed an MRI scan of my brain. I was clueless as to what was going on. I was worried sick 😣 about my yet to be born baby considering this new turn of events and all the radiations of the MRI,  but the doctor said it was safe and absolutely important. 

We did as we were told. As I lay in the MRI machine, I closed my eyes to just meditate. I like to have  one to one conversations with my conscience. But this time I was so apprehensive and panicky about what lay ahead, that I just couldn't concentrate. I said a small prayer in my mind. God, please save my baby from all of it.

Once all the other tests were done. I was back home. The tests results came, and I came to know  that I had ingested a worm, which through my bloodstream had reached my brain where it had got disintegrated but not before damaging a few brain cells (causing the fit) 

This was cysticercosis which was caused due to a particular worm found in vegetables like CABBAGE, broccoli, kale etc. 


Oh my God. Why had I been such a fool, having uncooked cabbage at that wedding?

But Faith can definitely move mountains. πŸŒ„

I was put on the Eptoin ( medicine for epilepsy) to avoid further complications and fits. It was considered safe to be taken during pregnancy. 


Days passed, finally on the 19th of February came the best day of my life., when I saw a happy and healthy pink little face smiling in my arms. His tiny dimples enslaved me forever.

The power of my small prayer made everything fall in place .πŸ™



  1. OMG so so scary. Especially in places like ours where we will need to double wash veggies and fruits, considering the journey they take. I'm glad everything ended well. Or rather ended with beautiful new beginnings. Stay blessed!

  2. Your episode reminds me of my own when I had shingles during pregnancy. Doctors told that it mostly won't harm baby but no one gave a guarantee. there was no medicine for it and I prayed and faced hell for a week or so. Finally things when smooth. I am not much of a believer but it times seeking help from that super power soothes us! Your episode felt very very scary..thank God all went well..


  3. I was so worried reading the entire account. Glad everything was fine and baby was well. I can't imagine being in that situation.


  4. yes prayer is a powerful thing. Glad you and your lovely child were fine.


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