Disclaimer: I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my post for T # TRICKLE DOWN THEORY 


Trickle down theory is also a part of our everyday histrionics 

Just the other day, it was early morning πŸŒ„ 

My neighbor's water tank was overflowing 

I am strict adherent of the save waterπŸ’§principle 

So calling them at 7 in the morning I thought was pretty sensible.

But to my shock and distress 

I was only told it's none of my business 

I was expecting a thank you, so good of you...

Instead banging the phoneπŸ“±down was all he could do

I was taken aback with my mood being spoiled too 

Relating it all to my husband, I simply sat down to rue

All he could come up with was, as I always tell you 

keep your nose out of people's water bills and tanks too

Now a disagreement turned into a heated argument 

It ended up getting ugly and malevolent 

We both got up going our separate ways 

After saying so much, nothing was left anyway 

I laid the breakfast on the table which he deliberately ignored 

He simply went out of the house banging the door 

I felt I had been unreasonable and he too felt inwardly down 

Deliberately missed his meal just to add fuel to his frown πŸ™ 

Meanwhile I too hurried to make it to my office on time 

At least to feel better, I can talk on my way to a dear friend of mine 

She was a teacher in a private school 🏫 and we had the same route

So we boarded the bus 🚌 together and looked forward 

to chatting away on our commute 

She was in great spirits that day, talking incessantly,  

I smply had to nod and smile benevolently 😊

Although I was not in the mood, still I let it be 

Until she asked what was the matter with me 

I said nothing was the case, and kept my responses to the point 

To which she said, I was always ready to disappoint 😞 

This aggravated me and the argument began πŸ˜’ 

It stretched till the remaining commute span 

In between the conductor approached for the ticket and asked us to refrain 

To which he was given a good hearing with the fare to retain 

He too seemingly picked up our tempers 

Very soon he was arguing with the bus driver

My friend got down at her stop without waving a good bye 

I felt a pang of πŸ˜” guilt, why I couldn't control my temper a little while 

Reaching office my face had a sullen look

Everyone seemed to have read it like an open book πŸ“–  

I was cold and distant most of the day 

Was trying to avoid further disagreements in every possible way 

Still my temper sneaked to everyone contagiously 

I on my part just wanted the day to end instantly 

By evening I repented every action of mine 

Till my husband reached home before his scheduled time 

He looked pale, sick and visibly upset 

He said missing his breakfast was his biggest regret 

Eating at the cafeteria gave him a bout of indigestion 

I said he could blame me for fighting without any reason 

I said so, just to make him feel better

If only he had in the morning given me a supportive shoulder 😫 

The next morning πŸŒ„ I saw my friend, alone at the bus stand 

Seeing me she unwittingly waved her hand βœ‹ 

 She seemed cold and withdrawn unlike the previous day 

With her favourite flower 🌷 in my hand , sorry 😞 I went upto say 

I apologized for my angry outburst 

And she smiled and said it's okay friendship comes first 

We boarded the bus together and her incessant chatter excitedly attacked 

Telling me how her yesterday went arguing with people back to back 


# Just like flying tempers can be contagious 

So can smiles and laughter be forever gracious 

This is the trickle down theory of our every day lives

Spreading happiness 😊 is what we all should strive 


The tank of my neighbor still in the morning overflows😏

I simply shut my window and don't poke my nose  πŸ€₯




  1. wow...my dear sis...uve come a way ahead in ur writing...keep it up!!

  2. Loved it .. makes sense. There are only few people who can play this β€˜my business is to mind other people’s business’ game without offending others.

  3. Trickle down theory....interesting...:) Like they say all's well that ends well and neighbor's r usually like that...civic-sense or cautiousness on using resources is lacking among many..

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  4. Hahahahah... been there done that.

  5. Smiles and angry outbursts are both contagious

  6. Whoa, loved this one - you did a WHOLE story with rhyming words and emotions and actions and so much happening! You've talked about a domino effect with emotions, superb! I remember writing a Domino effect story with one event influencing the other physically. Moods and vibes are so contagious!

    Read about the childhood favourite, European adventurer and his dog Snowy, along with others from his team at <a href="https://fictionpies.com/2022/04/t-tintin-2022-a-z.html”>Tintin</a> - my post for T!


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