I am participating in Blogging from A-Z challenge 2022 and this is my seventh post on G # GIVE ME SOME SUNSHINE 🌞 





To make the same mistakes,  to be the same stick in the mud, or else God needs to transform my very existence including Yours truly fuddy-duddy's mindset.

I've had a sheltered life this far. Always protected and cared for πŸ˜‡. Neither had very high ups nor very lowly downs. It's been a smooth and straight walk this far. Not any big achievement to boast of or any massive failure to regret. The transition from Student to Adulthood to Matrimony to Parenthood has been pretty fluid.

Still, here I sit fantasising, I wish I could rewind my life and live it again. 

To be honest, I have never done what I should have, but what was expected of me. I guess I have always been this "PEOPLE PLEASER ". My priority was seldom to enjoy myself but to do the right things. Having fun was always postponed by me, till it was totally forgotten. 

When my entire family was sitting down together watching a great movie, in a room , I was busy studying in the next room or settling my cupboard. My reason used to be, it's the best time to do it , considering the peace and quiet. Although my Parents and Sisters coaxed me into joining them, thinking I was missing out on the fun, I seldom relented.  WIERDO YES I WAS.

When my friends went out partying, I forever refused, thinking it to be sheer wastage of time and energy. I was happy being called a NERD. A few of my friends who had boyfriends were always snubbed by me, thinking that they were so unfocused. Even in family gatherings, I slyly used to sneak a paper in my pocket with important maths formulae jotted down, so that I could go through it when no one else was looking!! 

 But to be honest at that time whatever I was doing and refusing, everything seemed correct and need of the hour. I felt this was the time to remain focused and disciplined for a bright career ahead. 

My parents were proud of me, my Mom used to be especially happy seeing my clean closets and up-to-the-mark grades.  My teachers were satisfied, as I was least troublesome. I used to be tagged as "Miss Goody two Shoes" but that was ok. THAT WAS MY COMFORT ZONE.

Actually the problem with me has always been, the necessity to excel. When I learnt how to sew, I used to stitch my own dresses πŸ‘— wearing a new one almost every single day in college. Sick of my recurring cough and cold, my Mom enrolled me with a Yoga instructor. She taught me just for a few days, but I haven't given up the practice since. I could not give up my Guitar 🎸  practice a single day for the last 10 years, since I felt I need to master it. Most of the people feel why can't I give myself a break. To which I can just say...I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT .

Looking back why was I always driven to be so Prim and Proper. Why couldn't I just for once get out of my comfort zone and do something totally unexpected of me. I STILL CAN'T. The necessity to do things properly keeps me hooked and I miss out on the fun part of it.

LESSON LEARNT # The process of learning to unlearn 😏 and enjoy is on. I m trying again my level best to do it 😁😁

REPERCUSSIONS # My school / college friends still mock me that what did I do with all the time I saved πŸ€”πŸ˜ 

I Simply tell them , will collect all of it and take away with me .

 No serious after-effects although 

 Perseverance in me shall always overflow 

Whether it's wasted or used, I shall keep the fun intact 

 But, I can never change my stubbornness AS A MATTER OF FACT.            


  1. Made me smile through out, whats wrong in being a nerd or having perseverance ? Both are to be treasured ! With all the time You saved, you became better in what ever u did I suppose. Sticking to a habit is the toughest thing on earth. Kudos on doing so

    Good day - Dropping by from A to Z -

    1. Thanks πŸ˜‡ 😊 πŸ«‚a lot Afshan for reading and encouraging πŸ‘ always

  2. Take it from one who had growing up years that sound a lot like yours, in the fullness of time, it's a wonderful life. In my dotage, I'm actually binging on all the TV shows I never watched (like Seinfeld).

    1. Thanks a lot Jacqui πŸ’ for the motivating feedback πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  3. Not sure if your life choices were wrong. I know many (lazy) people that veered the other road and got into some serious problem like jail, addictions...
    Grave this blog is one Im moderating for friend and author Steven Slack.
    happy weekend

    1. Thanks πŸ˜‡ 😊 for the comment, feeling validated πŸ‘πŸ‘


  4. There is nothing wrong to be in and enjoy your comfort zone. Whatever feels right at that moment to you, is right indeed!

    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog

    1. Thanks Anuradha πŸ˜‡ 😊 πŸ«‚ for reading and appreciating

  5. You were Old Aunt, even when you were 10. You continue to be one. We been two sides of the coin. I was always reckless, black sheep of the family, who just wanted to get through without making much noise and our parents were fed-up of me. But I can boast of at least one accomplishment I made her have road-side pani puri... yes I did *** drum rolls*** please.

    1. And still u didn't have green tea with me πŸ™„

  6. I see myself somewhere in your post. Like you, I was happy with my choices then. I dont know if I would do the same given a second chance but I dont regret them. Good luck! and Happy AtoZ!!

    1. Thanks Archana, feeling Validated πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  7. That makes you and your sister as different as chalk and cheese :) .. I was smiling the whole time as I was reading. Now your previous post with the heart break ending makes perfect sense! Though I think you're perfectly alright even if you're a certain way or OCD or as you call yourself 'stubborn'! Maybe that's your very own perfect ending :)


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